wake up call.


Breakfast gets me up in the morning.  It's a cunning and motivating force that obscures my desire for the warm stale circulating air of the yoga studio, the rhythmic albeit clumsy chanting of sutras, and the bending of taut limbs in peculiar directions. Yes, I admit it.  Instead of beginning my day strengthening my abdominal core, I choose to start the morning strengthening my sweet relationship with butter and sugar.  In my defense, whisking, beating, and stirring deserve consideration as a toning endeavor in themselves.  

As my yoga mat lie slumbering beneath my bed, I set off with a single mission in mind: to find a use for a 64 oz. tub of yogurt.  Originally the yogurt had been purchased for banana bread with chocolate chips and candied ginger prepared and baked on Friday night (it is now Tuesday).  The recipe called for “whole milk plain yogurt” to be exact.  When I arrived at the grocery (as my lovely boyfriend insists on calling it) I was met with two options for this particular ingredient, both of which far exceeded the desired ¼ cup called for.  But I was determined to follow the recipe with integrity and left the store with unsalted butter, and 64 oz. of the plain white decadence. 

Now, I’m a lover of yogurt.  Fruit, frozen, Greek.  It’s creamy and delicious, so what’s not to love? But plain, as I had been warned, is a bit too tangy for my tongue.  I gave it a fair try.  But in the end I decided its purpose could best be served, masked in the anatomy of cookies, pancakes, and as we witnessed this morning…

Yogurt waffles. (Adapted from Holly George’s “Sour Cream Waffles” via allrecipes.com)

1 cup water
.5 cup plain whole milk yogurt (sweetened or vanilla will change flavor)
.5 cup sour cream
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
.5 tsp. salt
2 beaten eggs

needs: waffle iron, greasing agent (such as Pam)

In medium-ish bowl scoop yogurt and sour cream, add water and mix (I say medium-ish because sloshing may occur).  In a large bowl (all ingredients will eventually end up here) combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.  Pour yogurt mixture into large bowl and add eggs (recommend: beating these in a separate small bowl).  Stir mixture until smooth, leaving no flour unmixed.

Depending on the size of your waffle iron, varying spoonfuls will be needed for each waffle.  Do not be disheartened if the pioneering round of batter escapes over the edges of the iron with sizzling zeal.  This is to be expected, as it is quite impossible to judge the proper amount on your first attempt (at least this is how I comforted myself as I was startled from my position seated on the kitchen stool, reading for Contemporary Feminist Theory, to discover that my first waffle had quite daringly decided to broaden its horizons and in doing so managed to jam the latch to open the iron… visions of smoke and torched waffles invaded my thoughts).  Remove cooperative waffles with a fork. 

The banana bread with chocolate chips and candied ginger was divine.  In case you were wondering. Worth the copious amount of yogurt now residing in my refrigerator. 

Next kitchen escapade: yogurt chocolate chip cookies. you've been warned. 


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