The Casey Family.


Here are a few reasons why Auntie is not Mommy: 

1. Auntie will give you a mascara box to play with, which you will rip the top from and lodge it in your throat (mommy notices this and comes to the rescue).
2. Auntie will hand you her empty iced-tea cup from Starbucks that you have been reaching for, only to look back minutes later and realize that you have melted ice cubes floating around in your lap.
3. On the bright side, Auntie is a novelty, and therefore exciting (or at least she would like to think so).  
4. Though in reality, Auntie is exciting because she has glasses... the thrill of the chase (you have yet to capture them). 
5. Auntie has the joy of taking pictures of your sweet little face with mommy and daddy. 


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