Slippers and a staple gun.


The good news is I won... If you count finishing the re-upholstery of my desk chair without driving a staple through my beloved and necessary opposable thumb winning, then yes, Elisa - 1, staple gun - 0. .  

Upon examining the situation through a more critical lens, it is evident that the staple gun in fact put up a respectable fight. With a determined sense of will and disobedience, the staple gun required that I reload the staples for every shot, and then utilize my slipper covered foot to steady the "spring-loaded" staple barrel.  In total, requiring three of my four limbs. 


But like I said. I won. 

In other victories...

  1. I have made a list of apartment projects that I am keen to get started on. 
  2. The dazzling yellow roses sitting behind me mark 3, count them 3, fabulous months of marriage

[note: this is not a photo of the actual chair I re-upholstered... I am not nearly that talented, and the staple gun would surely have had the better of me]


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