I've been a tad MIA this past week. There are a few possible explanations, but the most probable cause for my recent absence can be summed up in two words. Hunger. Games. Finally jumped on the bandwagon, and let me tell you... it's a hard one to jump off of.
I'm trying to resurface to normal life and I have a few noteworthy updates for you dear and beloved readers.
This tuesday will be our second "Adult Introduction to Tennis" tennis lesson. My husband is clearly a ringer, out-swinging myself and the other four women in our class. Our instructor remained highly doubtful that he had never played tennis before. I coped with my inferior technique by focusing my energies on trying to make him feel as guilty as possible. In a loving way of course. At least neither of us hit the instructor with a rogue tennis ball... though one of mine nearly shattered a fluorescent light high up in the rafters. In all, it was nothing short of delightful.
In addition to swinging rackets, we decided this weekend called for a day-trip of sorts. Involving a ferry and a Scandinavian fishing village. The amusements of Poulsbo included an bakery full of beckoning doughnuts and cream-filled pastries (that I am quite certain the large Scandinavian baker sampled with frequency, given his viking size), clam chowder and crab cakes, a Royal Albert white-dogwood china teacup, and perhaps the most aggressive troop of Girl Scouts I have ever seen. To quote the viking baker:
"It's one thing when they stay put... it's another when they start moving around."
Yes, that's right. The Girls Scouts functioned as portable cookie caravan. Eagerly carting their card-table cookie display, carrying signs resembling a cheerful picket-line, declaring the annual arrival of Girl Scout cookies. It's possible we ran across the street to catch up with them. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so transparent... made them work for the sale a bit.
These weren't the only Girl Scouts we encountered on our day-trip. We were approached by another traveling pack of cookie peddlers waiting in line for the Seattle ferry. Pulling their wagon of colorful boxes knocking on the windows of parked cars, asking the all too familiar question, "would you like to buy a box of Girl Scout cookies?". Sorry girls, you're three hours too late.
Perhaps these new aggressive tactics shouldn't come as a surprise considering I recently downloaded the newly designed "Girl Scout Cookie Locator" app onto my phone. Though I clearly didn't need it, as was evidenced yesterday.
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