We had really good intentions. All day. Stellar, optimistic intentions. Life had other plans for us.
The morning began with an attempt to make cracked wheat hot cereal. It seemed like a healthy and cozy choice, easy enough. I proceeded to follow the simple directions: to combine cereal & water, cover the bowl with wax paper, and cook in the microwave. Disaster ensued, as is evidenced by the photo below...

Oh Bob. Not only had the water failed to absorb, but there was a crust of cracked wheat cereal covering the entire inside and outside of the bowl. Quite a pain in the ___ to clean...
Take 2: Stovetop instructions.
Success. These instructions proved much more friendly than those for the microwave. Maybe Bob isn't such a bad guy after all.
We topped our hot cereal from Bob with tart blueberries, satisfying cream, and rich brown sugar.
We experienced a second culinary disaster at dinner... more about that later. Don't worry, no knives or blood were involved. Though I did get a few splinters in my finger.
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