Manhattan Beach


We spent five warm and lovely days in Southern California, the first of which we dedicated to Manhattan Beach. The city of my father's childhood and and the home of my grandmother. My family spent many holidays and vacations retreating to this alluring and old-fashioned beach town. So it was only natural that I was excited to share it with my husband. 

We savored breakfast at The Kettle, an absolute must on any trip to Manhattan Beach. We wandered in and out of tiny boutiques that far exceed our price-range. We braved the hair-whipping wind as we walked along the pier, admiring dedicated surfers and wondering at the smokestacks in the distance. We sat at my grandmother's kitchen table, studying generations of photographs. 

In short, we truly enjoyed ourselves. 

I also walked away with a pair of Swedish Hasbeens (retail $425) for $50. A true victory.



  1. Elisa,

    These are rad. And your writing is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing.

    You're brilliant!




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